Battlefield Heroes Korean Movie

Battlefield Heroes Korean Movie Review

When I found out about the names that were part of the cast in this production, I told myself that I had to watch it, sadly I can’t say that it’s even close to being memorable. Even tho there are many fun stories mixed inside the plot, truth is that it’s just a way some…

A Dirty Carnival Korean Movie

A Dirty Carnival Korean Movie Review 2006

I could start by telling you that A Dirty Carnival is indeed a gangsters movie. But the truth is that it goes a little beyond that. Not too much, but enough to keep us hooked up with the script till the very last minute. The film serves itself from this violent story to enter a…

Commitment 2013

Commitment 2013 Korean Movie Review

First I would like to state that I’m a fan of Big Bang. Also T.O.P’s performances in Iris (Korean drama) and 71 into the fire (Korean historical Movie). That said and so unreasonable fans don’t start pouting, I think Commitment is just not good. We know him, we know what he can do. There is no need to make him do…

3 Days 2014 Drama Trailer

I have been waiting for another Park Yoo Chun drama for like…well…almost a year since the sad sad super sad I Miss You, which I loved by the way. This time we got some action and serious stuff with 3 Days trailer and if I pay attention to the cast, well I’m pretty sure I’m…