Whenever I remember this drama in my head, I can’t help but bringing back the OST with it, just because it was so fantastic that for me it made half of the story. Although we got all those feelings that pressed our chests continuously, the music just made it worst (or better).
In any case, this OST was one to remember and if you have not watched the drama yet, this music will probably make you decide. As I told you before, it was not the best story of all but if you do watch it, you probably will not regret it at all.
If you have watched it, you will probably remember some of the songs as the most beautiful ones, we drama lovers know that there are many of them out there, but one in particular on this list was fantastic and deserves to be listened by everyone.
Beyond the Clouds Original Soundtrack
- Whale (고래) by Zitten.
- The Full Sun (태양은 가득히) by Yangpa.
- Sin (죄) by V.O.S.
- Lie (거짓말) by Lee Ji Young.
- That Person (그 사람) by Tae.1
As you may see it is not a long list, but it is so intense that does a wonderful job at depressing us as the drama did. Not that I am complaining, we love depressing ourselves over these stories and songs, if not, why would we watch these productions otherwise?
My favorite song is Whale by Zitten, I might say it is one of my all time favorites, and even if it is so related to the story, I think it could fit anywhere without losing its intensity. A short but very efficient original soundtrack that will probably make you want to watch the drama if you did not, and if you did, you might want to hear it over and over again.