Tokyo Family Japanese Movie

Tokyo Family Japanese movie review

A film that is not destined towards those that love action and thriller movies. Tokyo Family is a simple, small story full of tiny details that make it absolutely wonderful. I remember the time I used to escape watching this kind of movies, because I used to find them slow or boring. Gladly, that changed for myself and…

Fly with the Gold 2012

Fly with the gold 2012 Japanese Movie Review

Without great announcements but with a strong cast, Fly with the gold is absolutely out of the ordinary. It takes a little time to start but when it does we will be watching a story that goes beyond the classic genre of heists. Fly with the Gold immerses us in the life of a group…

Our Family 2014 Japanese movie trailer

Our Family 2014 Japanese movie trailer

I tend to scape movies and dramas that portrait illnesses. They are really hard to watch overall and there is always so much truth to them, that it hurts. In some cases they’re too painful to even finish them. I don’t think it’s the case of Our Family. This movie invite us to watch it…