Every week we get a lot of new dramas on the screen. On the other hand we nostalgically say goodbye to some of them. Sooner or later we get along with the joy of replacement and we are happy again. This week there’s a new addition to the SBS schedule. A tearful drama called “You’re Only Mine”.
I rather watch some mixed stories so I don’t end up dehydrated, but well I know some of you enjoy crying with this sorrowful stories so here it is the recommendation in case you didn’t know it was coming.

Synopsis of You’re Only Mine
What would Eun Jung do to surpass her tragic destiny? Being the daughter of hard working widow, she gets involved in a crime committed by her husband and mother-in-law. After loosing everything she has, she works hard to raise in her career and finally achieve her dreams doing what she loves: design shoes.
Cast of You’re Only Mine
- Lee Min Yeong
- Jeong Seong Hwan
- Song Jae Hee
- Han Da Min
- Oh Cho Hee
- Yoo So Yeong
Apparently storyline goes on the classic “Poor Girl meets Rich Guy”, but in this case there will be a crime committed by a mother and son couple (apparently female lead’s husband). It could be a great one if we can’t bare with it. =P
Here’s the teaser!