I stared watching Seventh Code without knowing how long it lasted. It left me mixed emotions since it was unexpected from every point of view. A really short movie (it lasts only 60 minutes) that mutates from a really strange beginning to an stranger ending.
Since I’m not the one making the movie choices I had no idea about this one. When I realized it was directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa it was a pleasant surprise. His movies are never like they seem at first, I really like that and they are absolutely well made and written.
Synopsis of Seventh Code
Akiko runs to Russia behind a man she met in Tokyo, desperate she finally finds him but he doesn’t remember her at all. She chases him to end up being kidnapped by Russian gangsters and dropped in a waste land. From that time she starts trying to stay in Russia without any money nor friends to call and waiting for destiny to make them meet again.
Starring in Seventh Code
Atsuko Maeda is Akiko, the japanese girl that runs behind Matsunaga-san after meeting him one night in Tokyo.
Ryohei Suzuki is Matsunaga, a japanese man that is too busy to pay attention to this girl.
Hiroshi Yamamoto is Saito, a restaurant owner that has a little too much information of anything that’s going on.
The film is so short that when you find yourself going through everything that happens, it turns out to be amazing the way everything is staged, just because you never get the feeling you are being rushed and there is actually a lot going on. It’s a movie that will leave you wanting to know more about it. Unfortunately it comes out short with no big explanations or meanings.
My mixed emotions come from the fact that this is probably a movie (or a really long video clip) made by an amazing director to rocket an idol’s career. Not that she did a bad job, but still, it might be a little unexpected. I still liked the movie because I like experiments. I just wonder if it’s a test that came out too well. Oh, the OST song is still playing in my head, so it kinda did its job.