May Queen Korean Drama Review 2012

May Queen Korean Drama Review 2012

I finally decided to finish watching May Queen. I had started it three times before being able of getting into the story. Not because it’s bad, but because of the length (38 episodes). I kept postponing it to watch lighter and shorter stories. This script is not to be taken lightly, I understand that maybe…

East of Eden 2008 Korean drama review

There are many things that East of Eden leave us. I could start with the first one: you better think about a 56 episode drama before you start it. The second and heavier one is that drama scripts own no limits in how many times a character can go back and forth. If it’s gonna last too…

The Legendary Witch Korean Drama

The Legendary Witch Korean Drama Trailer 2014

With an out of the ordinary starting point in the story, this is one of the dramas that will probably give us something else from what we usually get in any romance or comedy story. A nice mixture between people that make the best they can with they got in life and dealing with social…

Beyond The Clouds 2014

Beyond The Clouds 2014 Korean drama review

Having seen Secret I thought there was no way a story would start as twisted as that one did. Well…I was completely wrong. Being able to portrait relationships in the first two episodes is something that I must recognize as a great skill. The story in Beyond the Clouds hooks us up almost immediately. There…

Beyond the Clouds trailer 2014 Korean Drama

A long time waited, this drama is finally making its appearance this week after the finished Prime Minister and I. A drama full of tears and hard moments, maybe we could relate it to Secret, just in terms of emotions. Let’s see what Beyond the Clouds trailer presents. We were able to see the posters, image…